This is Ruth's blog, since that was very not readily apparent from the title. Unless I told you. If I didn't tell you, get away from here stalker.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Woody Allen film "Sleeper", while still resembling his more traditional comedic works, does take place in a dystopian future, where people are led by a mysterious leader and a government that keeps the citizens dumb, in a "Brave New World like scenario. Woody Allen's character, Miles Munroe, is cryogenically frozen in the year 1973, after a routine surgery goes horribly wrong. He is awoken 200 years in the future by a group of scientists hoping to use him in for the resistance. Hijinks ensue.

In the trailer for the movie, Woody Allen is interviewed by an unseen person about the movie. He answers the questions sarcastically, and the clips shown after his answers show how sarcastic he is being, because really, he is being extremely sarcastic and it's pretty funny. Early on, one of the clips establishes the problem that Miles finds himself confronted with. Other clips show the kind of society that exists in "Sleeper". Most of the clips shown, and the answers given by Woody Allen emphasize the comedic and romantic nature of the movie. The interview with Woody Allen is really effective, and the clips make the movie look entertaining and funny. Overall, it is a very effective trailer. However, I don't think I'll be able to use most of the techniques used in this trailer. For one thing, Woody Allen's schedule is probably far too busy for him to come and star in our dystopian trailer, and for another, that was a joke. While this movie takes place in a dystopian society, it is largely a comedy, so the trailer is pretty comedic too. The dystopian movies that we aren't actually making are way more serious, and so for our trailer we're going to have to use different techniques than those used in this trailer. This very trailer. That one right there. This is the end of my post. The end.

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